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Slab #37
The Rocket Scientist
BAPE Social Experiments
3333 Bored Ape Social Experiments mischievously manifested in the forgotten lab of a Dr. Johannes Chimp. The second generation collection by Bored Ape Social Club, these experiments are birthed by $BAPE and have the ability to be sent to The Jungle to earn more! This collection includes 10 Legendary animated NFTs.

The Rocket Scientist: I had to create a few new materials to launch the ship undetected and to withstand the energy of the moon rocks when they re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. For fuel, I developed an algorithm which takes internet attention around the ape's jpegs and transfers it into propulsive energy which I have called HYPE. This HYPE will pump the rocket to the moon with incredible speed and precision.

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Slabz Reward NFT Status:
Not Sent